Friday, March 5, 2010

Good day to all

No, I haven't died. Yet.

Oops...I forgot to post for February. :\

To recap what happened in that month:

1. Interview with Yale and Princeton reps; have been accepted by USC and is a National Merit Finalist. Woot!
2. Took a job at Agoura Kumon Center. I know. I'm not helping the stereotyping in any way. It probably wasn't a very wise decision on my part, but for some reason I was just really itching to get a part-time job and I'm satisfied with where I am (albeit it pays minimum wage :'D)
3. Decided to participate in school's LipSync event (where students lipsync/dance to songs). I've been practicing every Tuesday after school with three juniors. It's fun.
4. Celebrated Chinese New Year
5. Watched the Vancouver Winter Olympics on NBC every night. Did I ever tell you I just love watching the Olympics? I just love how everyone's equal and together and going out for their dreams.
6. Bought three bags of different-flavored Hot Cheetos for my friend's birthday.
7. Had her inner fangirl's heart broken at the departure of her current favorite band's leader.

And yeah...more to come. This is getting to be more like some kind of journal...But I'm actually surprised at just how much happened in this one month... o_o

And as a break from the prose, I penned some poetry that I haven't really finished nor plan to:

It’s certainly not easy to live in this world,
Obstacles in your way constantly hurled.
I am really quite fortunate,
But someone like me has upsets
Just take for example my own life’s quest
I scored low on all of last week’s tests,
Returned books to the library way overdue,
Forgot to refill gas to go to school,
Was overcharged by the Post Office man,
Did a bad flip and injured my head and my hand,
Left homework assignments in the printer tray,
Or just had a really, really bad hair day.
Sometimes these small things throw me for a loop,
Not to mention the big ones that make me reboot,
I heave a big sigh and look at the sky,
Wondering “How am I going to get by?”
But then a bird trills on the branch of a tree,
The dazzling sunlight glints through the leaves,
And lights up my heart and dries up the mopes
Of petty melancholy, wishes, and hopes
I stand up again, dust off my bruised knees,
Look up, and continue making cartwheels.


Until next time!
Best wishes,