Friday, January 23, 2009

Los Robles

I started volunteering at a nearby hospital, hoping to expand my [rather limited] horizon of knowledge and experience and whatnot, mostly because I really wanted to see what a hospital environment is like. In truth, as a teen volunteer I don't actually DO much; I just run minor errands like delivering food, blood, papers, flowers, or specimens between various rooms and departments. An additional setback is that as of yet I am a volunteer trainee, so I may only run errands with a full-fledged volunteer, and if there aren't too many around, as was the case today, I cannot do anything even if I am the only person available.
I still get plenty of perks though; exploring the (to me) hitherto unknown areas of a hospital, glimpsing the kinds of rooms and beds patients lie in, getting lost among the intricate labyrinth that is the hospital corridors, etc...And discovering that I can be cheerful to complete strangers and make friends rather easily, albeit simple ones for now. I began to doubt my friendliness recently...
I used to play piano for seniors at an assisted living center, but the piano, which was the gateway to their hearts, also isolated them from me as well. Even after several visits, I still had trouble speaking to anyone, especially because I was playing for people who had Alzheimer's and such. Some people may think volunteering at Los Robles to be boring and lacking patient-interaction, but for the diffident me, I think it may improve my self-confidence and whatnot. And acquire for me a new group of friends. Hopefully.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Does the SAT have something against me?

Ok, so I spend 8 whole weeks of my summer getting up at 6:30 in the morning to go up to Northridge to study the SAT in the infamous Elite Boot Camp. That over, I take the SAT in December and land a lousy score that I just might have been able to get even if I hadn't gone to Elite. And so now I'm retaking it in March, and for extra preparation, my mom bought me "The Official SAT Study Guide" by CollegeBoard itself. I am expected to take (at least) one practice test a week and study everything else in its mocking two-inch girth until the fateful day in March. So after I skim through the first 150 pages or so, I think, "Oh, whatever, I'll just take a practice test right now" and flip over to the first practice test.

Guess what I find? The EXACT same tests I took at Elite. How's that for making my day.

On the other hand, I was absent the second week of Elite (woot!) during which I was up in Washington climbing Mt. Rainier and basking in a Seattle summer. So I have at least one unfamiliar test to try.


I should be studying

I decided to participate in my chinese school's new year festival coming this February.
I did not participate in the last few years due to time conflicts, but I wanted to do it in my last year at chinese school, just for the heck of it. The past few years we had a good dance teacher too, and the shows were fantastic. I thought I might do well, so I signed up.

Unfortunately, they had a different teacher this year, and for motivational purposes, everyone gets community service hours for going to dance class every Sunday. The participants this year seem nothing like those from past years. It's a very large class, with perhaps close to 50 people, one third of them guys (a very large percentage, might I add). However, few of us take the dance seriously, and our teachers have a hard time keeping us in check. Whenever they turn around people start gravitating toward their friends and completely ignore the teachers. I get exasperated, but I can't stop them either. I think I'm one of the better dancers, but because I wasn't there on the day they organized our spots, I ended up in the back to the very side. Figures. If only they would place us based on our merits! But no, I must endure the injustice of forever being a sidepiece for my diligence.

The perks: I get my very own tie! And I can somewhat tie it too.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

C'est beau, les mots!

It's the Sunday before finals week, and there's no school Monday thanks to MLKJ. I wonder if most people even take this holiday seriously anymore and actually do something in honor of him or think of him instead of viewing tomorrow as just a "no school!" day. This year will be different, of course, considering that our first black president-elect Barack Obama will be inaugurated the day after.

Meanwhile, I am on page 154 of my French IV book, studying for the final. If you thought composing IDs in English was terrible? I have to do at least 10 of them each chapter, and my teacher is only picking 5 out of the 10 to test us on. Just try summarizing Louis XIV in one sentence. In French. D:>

Chemistry is also a big one. Looking at the results from my chem final review, I need at least four hours or so studying. This is how most of my friends and I thank MLKJ. According to multiple sources, the Chem and French AP tests are the hardest AP tests. Why, oh why did I dig my grave at such a tender, young age? *sigh*

And here I will stop boring all of you and continue studying.


*peeks out of corner*

So...this being my first blog, I'll try to pick a topic that won't be too embarrassing to me if I read it years later, but even as I speak, it's beginning to give me that vibe. And it's probably giving the audience (you) that vibe as well...anyway...I'd hoped to pick up journal writing via a word document, but that died after two entries. Pitiful. I'll post those entries later. A good friend of mine recommended I start one, so here I am, wondering if this will last just as long.

And on with the first entry!

The Chinese new year is well on itsway and this year we'll be welcoming the Bull/Ox. My mother is being unusually festive and bought at least twenty ornaments to hang around the house and twenty more to give out to my classmates at chinese school. I suppose it is either because she's experiencing the joys of being a room parent for the first time or due to the interesting manifestation in some people's minds that makes them act younger the longer they age. She certainly seems that way in terms of appearance, which is considered a major plus in our day and age. I am happy for her that she can still semi-relive the joys of youth. As of now I have two pineapples, a flower basket, a firecracker, and fish ornaments hanging on the blinds of my windows. They are very colorful and pleasing to look at.